Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Connectivism Reflection

While learning about connectivism I began to analyze my own learning connections and how I utilize technology to accomplish my learning goals.  I realized that each of my learning connections had a range of areas that opened me to new knowledge and in turn gave me a way to share my new knowledge with others.  As I prepare to go into the field of Instructional Design I will need to be able to identify and capitalize on the learning connections others display and I must then be able to attach learning resources to those connections to advance learning.  
In analyzing my own learning connections I saw that I have three main areas of learning: experiences, mentors and mistakes.  From these main areas each, expect mistakes, has different, deeper connections to my memory and how I learn.  I then went the extra step and associated the types of technology (in pink on my mind map) that are associated with each of my learning connections.  This activity helped me be aware that there are technology options available for every learning connection and every learning style.

Connectivism opens many doors to resources, techniques and strategies that can be utilized with both youth and adult learners or as Prensky named the “digital immigrants” and the digital natives.”  Connectivism will help me as an instructional designer recognize learning connections and the relevant technology that can enhance learning for students.

I am looking forward to beginning to utilize connectivism and technological advances in my career.

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